Saturday, May 6, 2017
Change has never been a good friend of mine. I am the kind of person who will order the same food over and over again at a restaurant. I will always go the same way home when I am driving even if it would be faster going the other way. I wish I was the type of person who can deal with change easily. It makes life a lot easier if you can adapt to a situation quickly. For me, the biggest change in my life will be happening when I go to college. I’ll have to get used to not seeing the same people everyday. In September, I will have a roommate that I have never met before. It is strange because my senior year has finally been the time I have felt grounded and happy with the people around me. Now I feel like it is going to be a huge 180 when I go to UD. Not everything will be different, but it will feel different enough. Although I am apprehensive about all this change, I know it will be good for me. In college, I want to branch out and find new friends. I feel that there are so many different types of people that I don't even know about. Sticking with the same group of people has made it difficult to find new people to associate with. Hopefully I will be able to become good friends with my roommate. Maybe I won't. Whatever happens, I know that I will still have local friends I can come back to. Not only do I want to meet new people, I also want to find some new interests and finally pursue old ones. Only three years ago, I started to pick up on drawing. Because of school, I never had enough time to fully dedicate myself to improving my art. In college, I hopefully will have enough free time and less stress on random homework assignments. I also want to continue playing the trumpet. I have been playing the trumpet for about 8 years and it would be a shame to stop playing. Recently, I had my last band concert and it made me really sad thinking I will not be apart of a concert band anymore. Hopefully I can be apart of the marching band. I am also open to some new interests and hobbies. Maybe I can pick up on knitting or go to a bunch of concerts I've always wanted to go to. Another change I am ready to see is a whole new environment. Of course, I will only be a little ways away from my house and I also grew up on Main Street. However, it will be a change of pace for the type of classes and the place I'm going to live at. Although it will be difficult at first to adapt to, I know in the end I will be fine. Change needs to happen in everyone’s life in order to have growth.
Saturday, April 15, 2017
As the weather has been getting warmer and sunnier lately, I can't help but long for summer vacation. Growing up, I would always look forward to summer-- like most kids do. It is the well-needed and well-deserved break time in between school years. Instead of stressing over schoolwork and behaving well in school, you can spend quality time with your friends or simply lounge around all day. However, for me, this summer isn't like most summers.This summer is my transition period. By September, I will not be expecting to see the bland white and blue walls of the NCS hallways. Instead, I will be in college. Finally, I will be off on my own and be able to take on a whole new challenge of life. When I go to college, my time there will be focused around finding myself and gaining many new responsibilities. Though, as much as I am looking forward to this new change, I can't help but want to hold on to my childhood a little bit longer. That is why this summer will be extremely important to me. It will be one of the last times I will be able to spend time with some of my friends before we all go to college. I have known the people who are close to me in my life for a long time. Some I have known for at least half my life - 9 years. There are 9 years of friendships that I have with people that may either end or persist through the coming years. No one knows for certain what will happen. Will we stay in touch? Or will their names be uttered for the last time by me on the day of graduation? I would like to think the former, but the realist in me says that the latter will be more likely for some. Regardless, I can't wait to make many memories over the summer. In particular, I am excited for my trip to Japan in June. Since the beginning of the school year, I have been looking forward to this trip. Ever since I was young, I always wanted to leave the country and explore the world. In particular, my dream was always being able to go to Japan to see Tokyo. Even though it is probably one of the worst culprits of pollution in the world, I still have always found Tokyo a beautiful city. By going to Japan, I will be able to explore a place outside my comfort zone. During this summer, I want to push my limits and gain new experiences. There are many things in store for me this summer that I haven't even planned ahead for. Maybe I will visit New York with some friends. Maybe I will take a day trip somewhere to do some sight seeing. Or, maybe, I'll just sit on the couch all day watching Netflix. No matter what I do, I can't wait to spend it with the people I care about.
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Birdman (or The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014)
Birdman is a film directed and produced by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu starring Michael Keaton. The story is about an actor named Riggan Thomson. Thomson is well known as Birdman, a superhero that he portrayed in a movie franchise. He wants to be treated as a serious actor/director so he is directing and starring in a Broadway show.
At the beginning of the film, you find him levitating in his dressing room. At first, this presents a potential supernatural aspect of the movie. You would think he has some sort of superpowers. As time passes, you find out he he has a voice that speaks to him inside is head, which causes Thomson to lose control and use telekinesis to "attack" the voice. However, you eventually realize that the voice in his head is Birdman. Throughout the entire film, you question whether Thomson legitimately has superpowers or he is going insane. You follow Thomson's internal battle as he is trying to put on many previews of his Broadway musical. He faces many challenges including his relationships with co-stars, critics, his daughter, and himself.
Overall, I was pretty pleased with the film. The cinematography was wonderful. There were many underlying themes and motifs that became clear as the plot progressed. I always felt something was missing as I was watching it, but its imperfectness made it perfect in a way. I never felt bored, and I could always be surprised with a new direction the film took, especially with the ending. There seemed to be many loose ends and things that weren't addressed. However, I was still satisfied with the ending it provided.
I do recommend checking out Birdman.
I went to Philadelphia with some friends about two weeks ago. This trip was more special than any other trip I have gone on as it was our first time being out in a city alone without supervision. Our original reason for going out to the city was to attend a rally supporting Healthcare. It was one of the best feelings to see a large group of people who want to protect people's right to live and be healthy. After the rally, however, we stuck around to explore Philadelphia.
It was interesting to see all these different types of people in one place. Street performers, a man in a suit running to get to work on time, Uber drivers. Sadly, it was also easy to find homeless people and maybe a drug addict or two.
Beautiful art followed us wherever we went throughout the city. We found an art museum that showcased student work. Murals were easy to find wherever you went. We even found a massive airplane sculpture and giant paintbrush.
The whole experience made me wonder if I wanted to live in the city. Maybe one day, but not now. I feel like their is so much we didn't get the chance to see. I want to go back again to see what else Philadelphia has to offer.
Rising Action

January is almost over. Its kind of weird to think about, considering it feels like New Year's Day just happened yesterday. About 1/12 of 2017 is done. Huh. I have a lot of big plans for this year.
-Going to Japan
-Going to Katsucon in Baltimore
-Going camping
-Going to Firefly
-Going to Disney World
-Graduating from highschool
-Going to Senior Week
-Going to COLLEGE
-Saying goodbye to a lot of friends I used to know since 4th grade
I just know its gonna be a busy year, maybe even busier than it is for me now (which is hard to believe). By the end of this year, my life is going to be drastically changed. I'm not sure if I welcome this change or not yet, but I'm anticipating what is to come for my future. Right now, it feels like the exposition of this year is coming to an end. I feel like we are moving toward the Rising Action of 2017.
I drew some doodles.

I've been thinking about my progress as an artist a lot lately. This year, I told myself I would start trying to draw everyday. Unfortunately, my busy schedule always seems to get in the way. I feel like there isn't much time to just slow down and think. So many distractions. I want to keep myself on track.
This is a drawing of my friend Annie.
When does inspired work stop being original?
Many artists state that they are inspired by their artist idols. Painters may look up to Van Gogh. Musicians may look up to the Beatles or Amy Winehouse. Inspiration is where you appreciate a certain element of a person's work and try to incorporate it into your own work with a spin to it. Sometimes, though, "artists" use inspiration as a defense for stealing another person's work. As an artist, your art must be something fueled by your own creativity. Even if it may be difficult to come up with an original concept, people shouldn't take a carbon copy of someone else's work. There is a difference between inspiration and straight up stealing.
The internet has made it very easy to steal artwork. People have found ways to slightly edit another person's work to claim it as their own. Within 5 minutes, someone can download your work, edit out your watermark in Photoshop, and post it on a media platform claiming it as theirs. Musicians face the same dilemma through remixes and sampling. A writer's words can be rearranged and replaced with synonyms to appear original. Worst of all, there are times artists aren't even aware that their art is being stolen.
Should people never try to find inspiration in other people's ideas? Of course not, that is impossible. Actually, inspiration is what allows artists to grow and think of new ideas. Finding a certain style you want to replicate is acceptable as long as you don't take credit for it. Using references or even tracing work, for example, to practice can be allowed if you are wise about it. I emphasize, IN PRACTICE. Inspiration is allowed in the brainstorming portion of making artwork. Once you put your pen to paper or paintbrush to canvas, the outcome should be from your own mind. You shouldn't post it or show it to an audience claiming it as your own.
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