As the weather has been getting warmer and sunnier lately, I can't help but long for summer vacation. Growing up, I would always look forward to summer-- like most kids do. It is the well-needed and well-deserved break time in between school years. Instead of stressing over schoolwork and behaving well in school, you can spend quality time with your friends or simply lounge around all day. However, for me, this summer isn't like most summers.This summer is my transition period. By September, I will not be expecting to see the bland white and blue walls of the NCS hallways. Instead, I will be in college. Finally, I will be off on my own and be able to take on a whole new challenge of life. When I go to college, my time there will be focused around finding myself and gaining many new responsibilities. Though, as much as I am looking forward to this new change, I can't help but want to hold on to my childhood a little bit longer. That is why this summer will be extremely important to me. It will be one of the last times I will be able to spend time with some of my friends before we all go to college. I have known the people who are close to me in my life for a long time. Some I have known for at least half my life - 9 years. There are 9 years of friendships that I have with people that may either end or persist through the coming years. No one knows for certain what will happen. Will we stay in touch? Or will their names be uttered for the last time by me on the day of graduation? I would like to think the former, but the realist in me says that the latter will be more likely for some. Regardless, I can't wait to make many memories over the summer. In particular, I am excited for my trip to Japan in June. Since the beginning of the school year, I have been looking forward to this trip. Ever since I was young, I always wanted to leave the country and explore the world. In particular, my dream was always being able to go to Japan to see Tokyo. Even though it is probably one of the worst culprits of pollution in the world, I still have always found Tokyo a beautiful city. By going to Japan, I will be able to explore a place outside my comfort zone. During this summer, I want to push my limits and gain new experiences. There are many things in store for me this summer that I haven't even planned ahead for. Maybe I will visit New York with some friends. Maybe I will take a day trip somewhere to do some sight seeing. Or, maybe, I'll just sit on the couch all day watching Netflix. No matter what I do, I can't wait to spend it with the people I care about.
That is so exciting! I bet you'll love it!