School Stress And My Mental Mess

At the very beginning of the summer, I managed to finally tidy up my room after putting my "spring cleaning" off for so long due to focusing on my studies in school (so it was more like summer cleaning?). My room, after many hours of clearing out my closet of childhood belongings and sorting through piles among piles of clothing, had become clean enough to my standards. I found satisfaction in my efforts to organize my room and was determined to keep it in its immaculate state. The end of summer creeped up on me, however, and summer work loomed overhead. All I could think about were the upcoming responsibilities I would have throughout the year. Just thinking about going to school was stressful. I put all my mental focus into mentally and literally (completing all my summer work) prepare for school. My mind became a stressed out, anxious mess. By the time summer ended, my room reverted back into its previously chaotic state. All of my energy was transferred to my school work. It later occurred to me that the current state of my room is an accurate reflection of my state of mind: a hot mess.
I love symbolism, and if it makes you feel any better, this could apply to my entire house before school starts as both myself and my wife are teachers.